Rumble weekend!!*updated*
RUMBLE WEEKEND was SUPERB!!I really enjoyed myself that i could do with another 5 more days there!!Especially when you are associated with very good crowds!lol.
Basically there wasnt a lot of activities held on the first day of the camp..More towards getting to know each other and so forth.We played TONS of games throughout the whole camp..which was very fun!haha.Early that day,everyone were placed in groups..I had danisha in my group!then we went to our dorms..(dance studio) FORTUNATELY it was very clean with wooden floors and airconds..i am very grateful for that!seriously,i had bad experience from the prefect's camp in my previous school..we had to sleep in the classrooms!on the hard and extremely dusty cement floor!phew..and not to mention,prefects camp was such a torture too that i actually had to see a neurologist after the camp (lack of sleep and exhaustion)!!compared to rumble weekend we all got 8 hours of sleep and gooooooooood food
Then we went to the hall and everyone participated in the workshop.Mr harley is extremely hillarious!!!!hahahahahahaha.i would die to date anyone who is as funny as he is!! yea..actually i forgot what happened on the first day..all i remembered was having burger ramly in the middle of the night with vikram,haris,shaz,danisha and

Rumble challenge was held at the field later that evening!Everyone were wet and covered in flour after the event.haha.I couldnt stop laughing my ass off maaaan..!!Then it was SHOKUBUTSU time!! (mandi) lol.Most of the girls were bathing outside (by the pool area) as the shower room was packed!!haha.*zuly even adviced me to do so*lol.When i saw the whole sexytime happening,i quickly stripped off my top (with swimsuit underneath) and dash into the shower!haha.It was so fun =D
Theeeeen,there was dinner!and more games after that!haha.It was more like playing cluedo in real life..every teachers were involved and acted really well!!lol.our group (francesca) lost in almost everything!!haha.we were such losers =(

MONDAY 15th september!God has been very kind to me lately..ngeee.i was saved from a very very bad dream last week and HE saved me..(a ghost was in my room!!) Thank you.ANYWAY!!!!back to school yo!The Japanese-konichiwa-sushi students will be coming over to visit our school tomorrow!and i volunteered to COOK!!ngaha.oh oh and i MIGHT get a role in the box office production too!!!YEEEAAAY!!(hopefully no more stupid back up dancer crap!!)mr kang called me to sing tomorrow!I'm so excited!!*fingers crossed* lol.Zuly was like helping me to figure out a song to sing throughout the whole journey back home from school.haha.OMG!I AM SO NERVOUS!!*squeks!!!*haha.
hahahahahaha!MUST WATCH.(acting scene)
Basically there wasnt a lot of activities held on the first day of the camp..More towards getting to know each other and so forth.We played TONS of games throughout the whole camp..which was very fun!haha.Early that day,everyone were placed in groups..I had danisha in my group!then we went to our dorms..(dance studio) FORTUNATELY it was very clean with wooden floors and airconds..i am very grateful for that!seriously,i had bad experience from the prefect's camp in my previous school..we had to sleep in the classrooms!on the hard and extremely dusty cement floor!phew..and not to mention,prefects camp was such a torture too that i actually had to see a neurologist after the camp (lack of sleep and exhaustion)!!compared to rumble weekend we all got 8 hours of sleep and gooooooooood food
tasha's always covering my eye!
lol.the budak kecik and i.
DAY 2!!We had an aerobic session early in the judy was leading the whole exercise tell you the truth it was such a weeeeirrd exercise!imagine hundreds of people packed in the hall and doing strange exercise methods like massaging our faces?haha..then there was the mambo lesson!!Wohooo.I was pretty much good at it coz of my latin dance everyone went to their respective production for me,my workshop was held at the dance studio which was surprisingly "unexplored" by me eversince i was in was massively HUGE and echo-ish?haha.After that ,mother and sister came to visit me in the afternoon.They brought more food supply for me!hehe.
i was too late to snap the pictures!haha.but just imagine another 15 more girls joining phobe bathing!(danisha looks like a tourist!!lol)
Day 3!sadly,its our last day =(((((...we gathered at the hall for our last yea.that was about it!=)
annoying karl with his new best buddy.
School events to look forward to:
-Box office production
-Platinum expedition
-Cempaka international school prom night!
p/s:that Zul boy said hi to me in school today!!=D=D hehe.ok wth.
hahahahahaha!MUST WATCH.(acting scene)
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