I think we should start helping others who's suffering..i believe that one day..the entire would be a better place..i dont care how long it takes..but we must have a start by just giving these people a hand..just a smile on their faces will do...we have to help them..there's people out there..with no education,who doesnt even have clean water to drink!..fighting againts aids..poor n have you been paying attention to the people around you lately?!.. dont just think there's only you in this world..that's a very selfish's such a big world..filled with different types of culture n there's no use if i'm the only one talking here..n some of them who actually speak n doesnt turn their words into action... i guess there's no use of me talking about this..what can i do to help them at this age..?..but let's just talk.. about famine...shall we?..famine strikes african countries the hardest..n it's still not over yet..i bet everyone knows that it's one of the poorest doesnt just strike happens in china..india,vietnam n so yea...look at how skinny this dude is?..when my mom first showed me these pictures..i thought it was bullshit..i asked could humans be as skinny as this?!..but after doing some research..i guess it's true..n it's really happening..
doesnt these pictures makes you feel sorry for them?...doesnt it make you thank god for what u have?..dont you feel lucky? close your eyes..and imagine if you're one of them..just lazing around..n wait..coz cant'll be dying soon..because noone is there to u see...HELP is what they need from us..A.S.A.P PEOPLE!!..okay...we should be happy for what we are now..thank god for our country..dont you dare say that your life F***ing sux ..if urs bout theirs?dont you terrible life is to them?'s like..they have no f***ing life!..why are the africans soo stubborn?..they dont want help..when abviously this is urgent..i pity these people for god's sake!..we shouldnt let anyone starve as bad as this..sometimes we dont even finish our food..billions of people die due to 1845 it occured because bloody english people could afford to pay higher price.. so the food was beeing shipped from ireland to england..this is shit..all this for money!? africa...some of them were even eating their children..when we get a taste of mcdonalds...even when food was delievered to their country..the people were already was soo bad because of the drought which destroyed the crops n reduced the food produced..well there's nothing much for me to say about this topic..just to let you guys know..that there's people who's in danger n needs help out sollution to STOP this from happening people...? lets just pray for them..=)
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