Raya ;)
Sadly,zarym,bang chik,uncle daumi's family and uncle malik's family could not join us for raya this year =(
Listening to:Begging,Madcon
Mood:Misses the whole week of last week..=(
:Wants to go to the States/overseas so badly.
Its about time I update my blog!haha.Finals is finally over!*wohooo!* Anyways,i shall blog about raya in today's entry=)
This year's raya was the Bomb.I seriously miss the whole week of last week!From the time the raya holidays started till the day school reopened.After 3 years,Tania finally came back to celebrate raya in Malaysia.Mom had to host another "open house" this year.lol.The night before raya was basically spent at Pak non's house..Played mercun with the cousins and the boys were aiming it at each other!!The girls on the other hand were running away for safety!so scary.haha.We had tons of mercuns cause apparently Bang chak spent 5k on mercun alone this year.
Raya,Day 1:
Relatives from mom and dad's side came over.I had a great time with my oh so wonderful and loud family.Haha.They're awesome..One thing for sure is that,noone can ever break the bond the tahir family has.Sigh.I love them =)
Guests present:

Dad calls this fella "man of the day".Haha.His name is Nik (sarah's "friend")and he lives up the road.Surprisingly,this fella spent his raya at my house from morning till night.Although we've just met him for the first time,he had this warmth in him which made the whole family felt like we've known him for years.haha.Picture captured during the mafia game session.(mafia on the first day of raya.HAHA.how random)
Beraya session and collecting the green packets with baby Alia.NGEE.

Spent the entire day at home and attended alyssa's open house later that night..
Arizz and .I.
Okay i wasnt even ready.. mamak galore.
We played MORE games.Haha.Rajiv,my #1 enemy.grr.screw you rajiv i still hate you.
Raya,Day 2:Basically,nothing much happened on the 2nd day of raya.Just lunch with uncle Matthew and Rezza at Mandarin Oriental (yearly routine,same crowd).Highlight of the day was the durian pancake!!OMG.It was mouthwatering i tell you!Note that i even had tears in my eyes when i ate it!It was soooo good!I'm even planning to have tons of durian pancakes all stacked up as my birthday cake next year!!Damn,i'm craving for it now.
Uncle Rezza,the 36 year old coolest bachelor (doesnt look like it physically,but he is!haha)he would take us for a spin and i really mean SPIN as in pusing in his lotus at the sepang circuit every year.haha.cool right?
So yea that's about it!Time flies real quick aint it..in 4 months time i'll be able to get my drivers license and then there's spm!sigh..life's good =)ok ok i will update with you guys soon I still have A LOT more stories to tell!hehe.Goodnight!
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