i realise that there's people out there who faces life differently..with different point of views and thinking..n some people who would never want to change..i thought it was make a person be better of course..but it isnt..hmm..people RESPECT you for how deep ur knowledge much money u anyway..PEOPLE..confidence is what we need in malaysians straight talk n have open minds.. we're can americans be soo good?..compared to us..we dont really think out of the be unique..we're all humans..we can do it if they can..i think we..malaysians are brilliant...but we're just SPEAK UP..i've learned that u get nothing if u'r shy...even the biggest oppurtunity...not everyone gets it...n it'll just drift away..soo yea..confidence..KNOW what you want ..set ur mind for it..n u'll be there..u'll get takes time..but start now...ok i'm crapping..i'm just talking to myself right now..writing in my blog to remind think dont bother reading it..ok..i have a few be an architect..a doctor..(mom's idea..but shit..we should do what we like right?..) designer..(somehow i dont think i will be a sucessful designer) urm..a party organiser..and also a producer..i would like to produce some good tv shows n music videos..for malaysians..well..more american type..because i think our local artist n stuff are soo lousy..(as if i have brilliant ideas..but i think there's a possibility..)n we should be supporting our local tv industries right?! i said..think out of the box..oh..i'm still sticking with my old own a school..or maybe be a minister of education..yeap..i would like to change the goverment give a better educationl to the poor people..n change the teaching method in schools..not just STUDY STUDY STUDY..because some students are smarter than their teachers nowadays..but encouraging kids to speak know more about general knowledge too..i always wanted these kind of education..usually..parents have to pay more to get better educational for their kids..but i would like to be fair..for people who couldnt afford..a possibility for their kids to be better too..talented..i wish i could do the same to other countries like indonesia..cambodia..india n soo on..if only i have the power to conquer the world..but if failure occurs..only thing to remember is not to give up on them..
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