It's nature
Sony's dirty little secrets: When she was younger,she used to put clothes pegs on her nose in hopes to make it sharper.Yes,a vain pot since young.haha.
School life is great now =)I really love the school and the poeple here.My first few days in cempaka really sucked..But as i meet more people and participate in the activities the school has,the boredom has faded and i'm loving the school more than my previous school.Lol.I finally have friends now too!Haha.Compared to life back then in S.U not only was it stressful,being a prefect,my reputation has to be taken care of.But but the good part was,I was extremely ambitious in S.U.Being surrounded with troublesome students and unproductive malays really made me want to earn a head girl post and be a politician.A politician with 2 missions,to develop the malays and stop racism.
so yea,life in school now is very laid back..At least I dont have teachers coming up to me and asking me to do soo many things.It pisses me off when i put in so much effort and contribute a lot to the school and at the end of the day i get nothing as my reward when in actual fact the teacher told me that i was going to get paid for doing it.I was so active in su and yet none of them (teachers) showed me any sense of appreciation.sigh.Its a very lousy school indeed.ok so back to where i was.Now that i'm in cempaka,i barely take afternoon naps!I'm so proud of myself!However,the sad part is that I had to go through the same thing i went through when i was in f1.Teachers looked down on me and i get criticised for being lazy and so forth.UNTIL my results come out and they shut up.seriously,I dont know why,but people always have this bad impression on me when they first meet me.haha.Like stephan's girlfriend actually went like .."I dont think you cook" and puteri who went like "i doubt you're the type of person who read books"..previous addmaths teacher used to say this to me "You cant expect to be slow in a science class" She was really assuming that i only got 3 a's for PMR and yet i want to be placed in a science wth.
Anyways,Mom pulled me out from the gym today..=( more latin,no more belly dancing,no more yoga and no more hot brazillian trainer..HAIH..but oh well,i will be joining horse riding oh and not to mention!!Wade Robson is coming to kl next week!!I MUST join his dance workshop!!!=D
School life is great now =)I really love the school and the poeple here.My first few days in cempaka really sucked..But as i meet more people and participate in the activities the school has,the boredom has faded and i'm loving the school more than my previous school.Lol.I finally have friends now too!Haha.Compared to life back then in S.U not only was it stressful,being a prefect,my reputation has to be taken care of.But but the good part was,I was extremely ambitious in S.U.Being surrounded with troublesome students and unproductive malays really made me want to earn a head girl post and be a politician.A politician with 2 missions,to develop the malays and stop racism.
so yea,life in school now is very laid back..At least I dont have teachers coming up to me and asking me to do soo many things.It pisses me off when i put in so much effort and contribute a lot to the school and at the end of the day i get nothing as my reward when in actual fact the teacher told me that i was going to get paid for doing it.I was so active in su and yet none of them (teachers) showed me any sense of appreciation.sigh.Its a very lousy school indeed.ok so back to where i was.Now that i'm in cempaka,i barely take afternoon naps!I'm so proud of myself!However,the sad part is that I had to go through the same thing i went through when i was in f1.Teachers looked down on me and i get criticised for being lazy and so forth.UNTIL my results come out and they shut up.seriously,I dont know why,but people always have this bad impression on me when they first meet me.haha.Like stephan's girlfriend actually went like .."I dont think you cook" and puteri who went like "i doubt you're the type of person who read books"..previous addmaths teacher used to say this to me "You cant expect to be slow in a science class" She was really assuming that i only got 3 a's for PMR and yet i want to be placed in a science wth.
Anyways,Mom pulled me out from the gym today..=( more latin,no more belly dancing,no more yoga and no more hot brazillian trainer..HAIH..but oh well,i will be joining horse riding oh and not to mention!!Wade Robson is coming to kl next week!!I MUST join his dance workshop!!!=D
Sofy,me and mom-aussie-

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