Thanks for the critics folks..I'm glad that my chatbox is finally filled with comments.Now i know that i actually have viewers ;) Though my younger sister said that chances are there might be only 1 person who's posting the comments.heh.
Anyways,back to the whole argument,I may have exagerrated on the 95% but theres no doubt that I've got my points at fault.I spent 4 years of highschool in a government school.So imagine guys,out of 100++ prefects that we have in the morning session,less than 10 are malays.As far as i could remember,it was me,Aziemah,Annie and Naif.Ok so that makes it the 4 of us malays.And for 7 consequtive years,our school's head prefect has been a chinese.So my question is,where are the malays at times like this??
One more thing, it is VERY OBVIOUS indeed that "he" did it!It's all the reverse psychology technique that is being used in our corrupted government right now.pfft.
Back to my life =) I'll start from what happened last week.hehe..
Last Friday was Jazeman's 16th birthday party at Bijou,Mont Kiara.It was a very nice location and the whole deco was fantastic. (sofy wanted to celebrate her party there this year but it costs a BOMB) so yea.Dayang and I arrived "fashionably late" for the party as we had our production on the same day.haha.*so that explains the super THICK make-up i had on me for the party* haha.Was a bit dissapointed that Lewis Hamilton or Alonso wasnt at the party.hehe.
Then on Saturday Omar came over to the house in the morning and then I had lunch with dayang,vikram and shaz at Bangsar Village.It was one of those production days again.Julie and I slept over at Danisha's house that night after the production.It was fun.haha.I love her housing area!Beverly heights NOT area is so savvy that they have a shuttle bus which can take you to spent the whole night cooking pizza until 2 am.haha.oh oh and I really love Danisha's half-malay-half-british step sibblings!They are so cute!!Now i feel like marrying a mat salleh.hehe.

Sunday was our last show ever!!It was a very emotional day for all of us!I'm gonna miss the different hairstyles that I get for the show and the whole crew!!=(
I spent the next day with Julie,looking for prom dresses at Bangsar.Unfortunately,we didnt find any but I was planning to recycle my dresses anyway.I did get myself a masquerade mask though.Oh oh and we saw Datin Freida and his son at BV!lol.quite random.Anyways i was a bit sad because i was supposed to attend a dance workshop today-wednesday.Plus,Datin is going to sponsor the production crews!(otherwise we'd have to pay 500 bucks).The trainer is from America and it looked awesome but mom says i joined too many activities=(

That night,Syeikh Yusof Estes came to Bukit Jelutong for an open dialogue about islam.Mom,sofy and I went since it was just going to be held opposite our house.Now this guy was born a christian in America.He was a priest and converted to Islam about 10 years ago (that really attracted my attention).The most wonderful thing that happened last night was that he actually converted a 26 year old chinese boy to islam!The whole hall was silent when that took place.I was mesmerized to witness something like that happening in front of my eyes..

From syeikh yusuf estes:
To be honest, I was a "dedicated Christian" and a good 'ole boy from Texas. I hated anything and everything about those "Mozlems", just like you are supposed to, here in the West.We were told, "They don't believe in God,they worship a black box in the desert,they kiss the ground 5 times a day,they are hijackers!Kidnappers!Terroists!Hijackers!If you are an American Christian you have to hate them!All of them!So I did!
To be honest, I was a "dedicated Christian" and a good 'ole boy from Texas. I hated anything and everything about those "Mozlems", just like you are supposed to, here in the West.We were told, "They don't believe in God,they worship a black box in the desert,they kiss the ground 5 times a day,they are hijackers!Kidnappers!Terroists!Hijackers!If you are an American Christian you have to hate them!All of them!So I did!
One day, I met a real Muslim and I wanted to 'convert' him to Christianity but it turned out to be the opposite way.I soon learned there is a lot more to Islam than I knew. The more that I learned about REAL ISLAM, the more I was surprised at the similarities.
Lol.I like him..he was cool and funny..Alright so that's about it people!P/s:I so cant wait to watch Twilight!!
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