Wtv day
Danisha,Amirah and I had to put on a scarf on our head today.We were told to "model" for the Cempaka Madinah brochure.Funny part was that,we had the tudung on with our short skirt.HAHA.
HAHA.Amirah the doctor,mak cik jual karipap and Danisha the ustazah.oh and Danisha and i might reconsider wearing tudung after mariage or after having 3 kids.HAHAHAHA.
Okaaay then there was the box office production practice...Very tiring indeed..pfffft.

After that Danisha,Syanas and I went to search for our Halloween costume at the Great Eastern Mall..Unfortunately,we didnt buy any cause the french maid costume didnt fit any of us.lol.So yea,that was about it!I really need to work out..i feel so unhealthy right now =s
n i look retarded here.

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