It's been awhile since i last updated my blog!I guess I've lost interest in blogging.ANYWAY!!The best thing ever happened to me today!!!WOOOT WOOOT!!Aunty Sherry put *toooot* on the line for me!!I was so freaking excited to talk to "you know who"!!I couldnt stop grinning the whole way through and words barely came out from my mouth.I was bloody NERVOUS and excited at the same time.It's like winning a lottery!or or being married to Prince Harry!haha.Well thanks aunty sherry.YOU ROCK!I told aunty sherry that she could consider that as my birthday present for next year.hehe..
Alright,so before i received the "phone call" i was basically stuck in a 6 hour BORING lecture.Abu Z and I went to sit for our Undang.Not to mention,in KLANG!The place was somewhat depressing and smutty.To add things worst,I found out that there isnt any other "hygenic" driving schools in Malaysia either.I wondered how the sultan's kids or something sat for their driver's license.Must've been real sad.So yea,i cant wait to get my driver's license as soon as i turn 17 in 2 months time.I wouldnt have to rely on the driver or anyone else by then.
Nevertheless,I've been goooooooooood!Life has been as awesome as ever.Soo many fortunate and unfortunate events took place.Victoria Inst. prom was amazingly fun!They had joey G and the sexy pondan dancers to perform.My date however was entitled as prom king.haha.funny how a quiet guy like him could
Then there was dad who got into an accident and was admitted in the hospital.But he's doing ok now.Thank god.Raya Haji was fun too.I had my cousins who came down from Kedah to celebrate it with us.I really2 enjoyed their company!!We went to pak cak's beach house in PD and and i managed to watch the pak imam slaughter the cows this time!Morbid stuff,I LIKE!
Tania and Zarym came down from Australia on the 11th.The day after their arrival,Zarym brought Tania,Sofy and I on a shopping spree at pavillion!Apparently,zarym wanted to test his new credit card.haha.Oh oh i also threw a bbq party on the 12th..MOST of my guests didnt show up!I'm very dissapointed indeed with you had Tasha's band and syaz's band from V.I to perform!The crowd was somehow lively ;)

most of the pix were not clear though..Razlan,sofy,tasha,me,dayang,khal and eddie =)
Oh and about a few weeks ago,Pak cak invited me to attend the sultanah bahiyah event in conjunction with the Sultan of Kedah's birthday at Shang Ri La.I must say that it was a pleasant event indeed..Met awesome people there and was even surprised to bump into Rafie (used to be dance partner) that night who looked amazingly goodlooking in a suit until i couldnt even recognise him!haha(most of the time he has got this very BLURR facial expression in school) hehe.
Alright,so before i received the "phone call" i was basically stuck in a 6 hour BORING lecture.Abu Z and I went to sit for our Undang.Not to mention,in KLANG!The place was somewhat depressing and smutty.To add things worst,I found out that there isnt any other "hygenic" driving schools in Malaysia either.I wondered how the sultan's kids or something sat for their driver's license.Must've been real sad.So yea,i cant wait to get my driver's license as soon as i turn 17 in 2 months time.I wouldnt have to rely on the driver or anyone else by then.
Nevertheless,I've been goooooooooood!Life has been as awesome as ever.Soo many fortunate and unfortunate events took place.Victoria Inst. prom was amazingly fun!They had joey G and the sexy pondan dancers to perform.My date however was entitled as prom king.haha.funny how a quiet guy like him could
Then there was dad who got into an accident and was admitted in the hospital.But he's doing ok now.Thank god.Raya Haji was fun too.I had my cousins who came down from Kedah to celebrate it with us.I really2 enjoyed their company!!We went to pak cak's beach house in PD and and i managed to watch the pak imam slaughter the cows this time!Morbid stuff,I LIKE!
Tania and Zarym came down from Australia on the 11th.The day after their arrival,Zarym brought Tania,Sofy and I on a shopping spree at pavillion!Apparently,zarym wanted to test his new credit card.haha.Oh oh i also threw a bbq party on the 12th..MOST of my guests didnt show up!I'm very dissapointed indeed with you had Tasha's band and syaz's band from V.I to perform!The crowd was somehow lively ;)
Sofy on the SAX.

By the way,something really funny happened to me yesterday but i forgot what it was all about.haha.
Ok enough of history..sigh.I really2 cant wait for school to reopen and start being serious again!Hopefully Dr Rizal will place me in Science 1.Nerdy classmates tend to motivate me more.haha.Futury ay,Pak cak's taking tania,sofy and I to singapore for christmas!Plus,my big sister's "lover",Uncle Rezza is taking us for go karting on Monday!Then on the 31st,I'll be able to purchase my 31% off baskin robbin ice cream!woooot.Alright,so that's all the updates about me. P/s:MISSING LUCIANO SO BADLY!!!!! pp/s:Baby Alia is EXTREMELY cute!
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