Monday, November 20, 2006


i think i know why i keep on running out of cash these days..unlike last time..where i used to be the richest among my sisters..coz i'm very concern about where my money goes to..but now i'm so undiscipline..i spend A LOT on unnecessary stuff..n yea that sux..i like to i usually spend money on food..shit lar..i'm not discipline at all these days!!..i told myself to control on the food i take!..but i still dont..n yea..i buy non-sense which i wont make any use out of it..n i'll come back thinking what i actually bought..n soon regret..pity me..if only i'm rich lar..then i wont be blogging right now n complain on the non-sense i yea..i give out money to people in school coz i pity them..n from 10 bucks..i'll end up having 2 bucks..when i need a minimum of 3 bucks to survive in school..but says dont be soo snobbish..n dont ever think that ur "rezeki" is going to finish..u have to share it with people..patience..ouh ya..another thing..i realise that i have too many stuff..n i keep on losing my stuff..i never take care of my stuff anymore!..can u believe that!?..i dont have to repeat this again...but i WAS SOOO DISCIPLINE LAST TIME!!!!..shit lar..i hate no to shopping..n i cant wait to move that case..i dont have to shove all my clothes into the closet..HAHA..u know what i mean..anyway..i didnt go to school 2day..n i was supposed to stay at home n STUDY with mom but she brought me to ou to spend time with my Big sista n her friend!..look how lazy n all happy-go-lucky i am..i take life too easy man..n i hate my posture these days..goddamn it u suck sonia!righty-o..i'm about to finish installing the sims 2!..g2g..

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