life's beautiful

After i saw the picture of myanmar kids queueing in shabby and torn clothes to grab their food,I instantly felt moved by it and it striked me that i can contribute to their unfortunate lifestyle by educating these kids.Maybe a simple english class will do.Helping them identify things in english,maths and many more that can be useful for them in the future.To make the class more enjoyable,i would reward them with nice presents if they actually do well!(i always liked these teaching methods last miss prasana had to say in bio's class the other day made sense,knowledge can be obtain eternally.In other words,possessions and objects might dissapear and vanish one day but knowledge is indespensible to every human being.So therefore,my next mission before i perish would be a trip to myanmar.
Again,i get pretty much inspired when i read the papers early in the morning.A lot of the contents get me motivated to change the world but i pretty much forget when i plan to write it down.Such as murder cases which i assumed that i could solve instantly,issues on politics and how i get really angry with our hopeless prime minister at times.(i think i have the potential to be a better prime minister).Oh and another thing is that i could not stand is their wives!Their husbands are soo busy serving the country and all their wives care about is to look glamour and bling2 everywhere!Take lee kuan yew's wife for instant,her husband serves singapore as the prime minister and she still does her part to help in the government.Anyway,the article about youths today was featured in today's paper.And i read about how the minister think that we should not come up with bad impression on youths who look "troublesome".In other words,we should encourage them in all these.And what he was referring to was basically about shufflers,breakdancers and many more.Before i cast an eye over this statement given by the minister i pretty much reckon that these type of people are the ones i should stay away from and most of them need a knock on their head.True enough,all they do is put in soo much effort in their dance and they are basically problematic and humiliating to the malays society in malaysia.If they can put a lot of effort in their "shuffling" why cant they do the same in their studies.And that is the reason why i pretty much yearn for a head girl post in school.the main reason is to speak up for the malays.Ok maybe its because it's a government school and i was always surrounded with this sort of malays but when i confront this issue with some people.they say,"useful" malays are usually in boarding schools.true or false?we shall see..
But i do find my method to refine the youths consciousness practical.The first question i would ask is,what do they want in life?If they do not have a clear vision on that then i'll pretty much assist them.Showing them how life up there would be compared to living in a junk.All they need is to believe in theirselves that anyone can do it.
Quotes:The more time you spend thinking about your past,the less time you have to think about your future.(this is the reason why i think history should be ignored and futury should be manipulated)
Eversince the increase of price in petrol,I've come up with a few things to do at home!*especially when you live in an isolated area like bukit jelutong* Hobbies such as painting,playing the piano,swimming,cycling,blogging,reading,cleaning up my room,cooking,baking,studying,computer games (RCT2 & sims are my favourite) and watching movies will be good enough to keep me occupied.I know,some of you might find all those things lifeless,but it is a recreation to me ok!However,staying at home all the time will pretty much bore me to death in the end.ngaha.
Oh and guys!This was what my sister sofia had to say about me in her blog!*awwww..*
Now we have Sonia! Oh god man I'll try to not make it long. She's miss perfectionist and will not take no for and answer! She bosses me around like hell alot and I'm always argueing with her! But there are times when we are really close. We would fight and five minutes later we would be laughing at each others jokes. She has a really great leadership skill and is always trying to be number one! She wants to be the best and has the whole package to most boys! Haha! She's freaking hell dicipline and i've never seen anyone with such a thick schedule book! And actually does everything that is written down. I guess she wants to be the best! But I love her as much as I hate her.
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