Monday, November 20, 2006


omg!i just came back from school..n u wont beieve this..i went to get my position in class..n hell yeah!!..i got number 1!!..#1!!...number 1 in class!..omg..i'm soo happy!..i cant believe i managed to kick those smarty chinese asses!..proving to the teachers n others that i can be the best! n that malays can do it too!n especially benjamin!..the geek in is the best year!except that i was quite dissapointed cuase my friends werent there to witness this sweet sucess of mine!..jeezz..i hope there's gonna be a hari kecemerlangan next year! i really wanna go on stage n get my prize!and i also my name would appear in the gemala mag!but anyway..i would like to thank my mom!!..SOO MUCH!!..with all the scolding i got from's all worth it!..hard work is the best key to sucess man!..YEAY YEAY YEAY!..i realise if i stay focus,work hard, i'll get whatever i's really cool for a person like me to get number 1..people wont underestimate me..n yea..i'm not just good in my studies!..but talent too!!..yes!..even number 1 for talent quest!..n will work out with my looks one feels really good getting number one folks..seriously..getting all the attention n a smile glued on ur face..this is just awesome!best year ever!.all i gotta do now is just to maintain n control myself!..discipline myself..n's qoute n mine from now on.."boyfriend makes u stupid"..anyway yeay yeay!!oh and great news to all my friends!i might not shift to a new school!..yippie!!i cant wait to shift to the new hse too..everything is just GREAT!!.. except that when it rains it pours..baaahh..k im off to run naked around the hse!haha..

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