10th march
hey sup!i'm in adelaide right now.summer!effing HOT.wait,first of all..i'd like to talk about what happened in school yesterday!Prefects had a meeting and spot check at the school hall..so i was the first in line..thinking that im VERY innocent..lol.then suddenly Asmahan was checking my fringe..i was like wth..she PULLED my fringe down when i clipped it behind my ears..and she chopped it off!!bloody rude man..i fought back coz i wasnt afraid of her at all..like what mom said..always fight back..worst thing that could happen is she would say no..and she told me to shut up..but i wasnt really sad or wutsoever coz i have bangs now..and it looks nicer!haha..even the head girl's fringe got chopped off..and she just kept quiet..im like..?!?!?!?!?!..protest la..but nvm..i bet lots and lots of parents will be coming to school and start complaining!yeah,mom's coming!wohooo..!!then now my bangs is a bit cacat..didnt have time to go to the salon..then they had audition for interact's iu day..the moment i heard they'll be having it in school i quickly didnt want to take part..lol..i had soo many things to tell b4 this..but i keep on postponing..and now i dont find it interesting to post something which happened 2 weeks ago..lol..well on thursday,we performed at taylor's college..the event was okay..i wanted to volunteer to act coz i knew i could do better than the girl who was choosen to go up on stage..anyway,our performance was..errr..LAME?tak semangat coz there werent a lot of people..and i was laughing most of the time!..lol..so let's talk about my trip here..met zuly at the airport!..invited her to come over like last minute..lol..then i had to sit alone in the plane..and there's this (i assume he's pakistani) guy who looked like a terrorist!he's supposed to sit next to me..i was soo scared!just in case he would use me as a hostage or something..lol.then he switched places with this white guy..i was soo relieved..goodlooking somemore u know!he was browsing through his porn mag!!i was like..WTH..i didnt talk to him at all until 2 hours b4 we arrived..but he's already working..so after he mentioned that i quickly didnt ask any further questions..haha..finally after waiting for 5 years my wish came true!to sit next to a mat salleh hunk in the plane..lol..jk..i only had 2 hours of sleep..and watched bow finger twice!!..it's sooo funny!!!.. took a nap for 5 hours..sofy woke me up..but i could barely register what she was trying to say..but after i woke up i asked her what she said..and she was like..zarym's pembroke friends came over and went to the city!..im like..DAYM!!!..lol.i just love the house here..the parade is just 10 metres away..lol..oh and I came up with a few things to do..after pmr and spm..after pmr..join celebrity and horse riding! After spmr..tap dancing!oh we went to Adelaide fringe..some carnival..it was awesome..the girls here are soooo HOT and preety man..lol..i tried the swinging thingy..just wait till I upload the pix!anyway,i shall update with you guys soon!xoxo.missing my goodlooking shah rukh han poster at home..=D

that's me "swinging" except that u cant really see me coz daddy was such a bad camera man.

12th march '07
BACK!so we had a bbq gathering at zain's house last night.The food was lovely!oysters and all those nyummy nyummy chicken wings!i played with baby adis!he's soo cute.Anyway,i've been looking forward to go to the city!grrr.It's a public holiday here.Tania says they have too many holidays here.Ok in conclusion..australians are such lazy bums!true man..the shop here closes at 5pm!..SIGH..the weather was a bit windy and cold today.Went jogging early in the morning..did some paintings at the park..blablablabla..i cant wait to go to the city and handolf!oh,spm results came out today..lol..Congrats to those who scored with flying colours!alright,gonna go read something..Ciao!
that's baby adis!i dont have a pic of him with me..but i shall snap some since i'm baby sitting him 2morrow!
13th march
went to have dinner at brocelli last night with abu.Had to send him back to his boarding house..he took me on a tour around his dorm and stuff..it was nice..like a hotel! well what'd u expect..$100 thousand for a year..PHEW..i wished my dad could send me there!HAIH..anyway..i went to the city 2day..nothing much..got myself a pair of pumps!ngee..right..aydeel and adam came over for dinner..blablablabla.
after dinner.supper at baskin robins

14th march
Went to pluck strawberries at handolf!Dad took lots of pictures of me and sofy.It was awesome..except for the weather today..extremely HOT!..right..so i did some shopping..it's very stressful when u only have a certain amount of money to spend on..SIGH..i shall work for my own money one day!GRR..i notice that my taste and colour coordination is very.."dull and boring"..all my of my clothes is either black or white..sheeesh..anyway,i've finished all the money daddy gave me..MUAHAHA..but i still have my big sista who's going to treat me on a shopping spree as a birthday present!yeay!ok,adelaide seems a bit boring now..i dont feel like i'm in australia..more like..another HOME..duuuuh..it has always been adelaide!Boooo.I wanna visit mecca!and new york!and india!and africa!and indonesia!!oh and i went cycling around the parade today..WITHOUT my helmet..and some old lady was like.."where's ur helmet?!"..so i had to cycle all the way back home just to get my helmet..tania says it's part of the rules..WEIRDOs!

15th march
SHOPPING again!walked around 3 miles!PHEW.i fancied lots of stuff..but it's really sad coz i cant buy any of em..=( so mom said today is over achiever day!haha.so i did some painting..went down the street to get the canvas and oil pastels..copied picaso's art work from the net..the colours are very abstract..very nice actually!dad says i should go to rundle mall and sell em!..haha..yup..so proud of my master piece!lol..i cooked again and me,tania,sara and sofia wanted to try the chocolate fountain i just bought..but everything failed to work..like the chocolate was hard and stuff..and my chocolate fountain broke down!!DAMN IT..i'm gonna demand for a refund 2morrow.grr!alright late night shopping at the city 2morrow!wohoooo.Bye!
that's my painting..there's actually a nicer one..i'll snap a pic of it soon!

lol.check out the sky!painted at the park.
16th march
today was awesome!first time i woke up b4 9 eversince i was here.went cycling around adelaide..the weather today is a bit chilly..not too cold or hot..just nice..so i got all dressed up to go for lunch with jam's family..while waiting for them to fetch us i went to the chocolate fountain shop..it's a bit strange coz when the guy plugged it in it seems perfectly fine and was working again!it was embarassing.lol.so uncle willie (jam's dad) took us for lunch at a very very nice place..it was at the beach..great scenery!the drive there took us about an hour..i ordered scallops..3 scallops for $20 which is equivalent to 60 ringgit.lol.it was lovely..daddy took lots of pixxies!first time i tried the 'golden gay time' ice cream..it was soo nice!nyummy!then everyone could not resist the eager to step on the sandy beach..so uncle willie drove a bit further up to get a better spot..we walked around the beach..it was soo bloody nice..!!i'll upload the pics soon..then we headed to jam's hse..it was huge!!4 storey house on top of a hill!she had everything at her house..tey had a squash court(i would convert it into a dance room or a hall with a stage for performances..hehe)..an outdoor jacuzzi..a very huge garden..a living area with a view of the city!!!that's my type of a dream house!a bar..a guest room equipped with its own kitchen and stuff..it was nice..i enjoyed the outing very much..so i'm back..lazy to cook today..the two boys,aydeel and adam are coming for dinner AGAIN today..which is a bit annoying because i was looking forward to go to the city with tania today coz there's late night shopping..and the two idiots had to ruined it..grr..anyway,I think I’ve been enjoying too much..and didn’t even bother to open my sejarah book eversince I got here..which is really bad!coz I reckon my friends back at home are studying during the hols!sigh..but once I get home the ONLY 2 things I want to focus on is my grade 8 piano exams and pmr exams!just get the fricking 8 a’s!..hmm..oh I had something to tell but I cant seem to remember what it is..wait this blogger.com is supposed to be special!except that now it’s more like a diary!well nvm that..so I bought a pair of pumps/flats at partmans which looks really good when I slip em on..but to walk in it..OUCH..blisters!sigh..anyway,g2g..c ya!
the rashidis!
check out the back ground.
everyone trying to do their cheeeeky pose.lol.
played the piano at jam's hse.=D
17th march
today was more like shopping day!lol.went to the art shop again to get more canvas!mom wants me to paint for the house..and then finally my big sista brought me on a shopping spree!so we took a bus to the city..went around to search for sofia's asecs (however u spell it) shoes that she dreamed of having..and i bought CHEAPER and bigger canvas..entered a shop and i went crazy coz the things there were soo pretty!got myself an afro wig!and a hula skirt!the ones that the hawaian babes always wear during their dance at the beach..lol..so i had like 40 dollars more to spend..i wanted this sunnies which i really look nice in it..but then i got myself a pants from jay jays instead..anyway,finally!i'm going back 2morrow!gosh i miss home but i still wanna stay here!the best way to enjoy ur stay here is if u have LOADS of money..and the people here are soo dressy and pretty!sigh..quite dissapointed coz i didnt fulfil my shopping list!grrr..anyway,i've done packing and stuff..gonna go watch tv!toodlio!