My superb weekend.
I just cant stop smiling and laughing when the memory of last weekend popped up in my was awesome!i can scarecely remember what happened but nvm let's just rewind and "replay" this awesome weekend i had..(consider Friday night a semi-weekend day..)
Friday 15.02.08
valentine day was yesterday,sadly i didnt get anything.i got something but it was from myself with a msg written "i love myself" on it.i know,that's so lame.anyway rezza inivited us over tonight to play monopoly at his house.instead of sofy tania n i driving to his crib we invited him to come was fun.pak non and cousin omar came uninvited and joined our board game session.we played LIFE and i think i've got instant 6 packs due to hysterical rezza.
a prune description of rezza=38 year old bachelor who thinks he's still young to get married.He's a bit childish and i love his accent.Has a lame pick up line.someone who wears a superman top to work.oh and mom says she'll be glad to take him as her menantu coz his mentality is almost like "sex is not everything".
Saturday 16.02.08
Blah was a day where my schedule was redundant.i went with the flow and learnt to understand the meaning of "present" not future,later or soon.ok before i start i'd like to mention that i was out for 3 times today!so yea breakfast was at raju's with aunty Fats (fatimah) family.they're always fun to hang around with.especially ozzy,the worlds funniest guy ever.oh yea and i asked nini how much jo flizzow would charge if i were to call him over to perform..apparently he demands 3K.i was like wth.for a KL-KL song?lol.but since nini (jo's gf) is sooo nice and sweet..she'll give me discounts!hehe.
then we got back home and i was in a semangat mood to study until jazzymun invited sofia to have lunch with him.i thought sofia was day dreaming again.(coz seriously,jazeman sounds like her imaginary friend when she tells her story)but no the "dream" turned into reality when jazzy ass fetched me,as a big sister pun sibuk2 go and accompany her little sister in case something happens lar kan.hehe.we were at damansara perdana at first coz he teringin japanese but the restaurant was closed so we went to the curve and had sake sushi!JAPANESE MANN...ENAK SUNGGUH!!lol.then after that we went to send sofia for her tuition and jazz and i went to the fish spa!we wanted to check out that was sooo nice!!according to ass jazz we just dip in our feet and extra clothes are not required.but my ass la!luckily they supplied the kimono robe for us and was awesome!but the fishes werent as many as the one i tried in melacca.heck yeah i wanna go there again!!so yea we fetched sofy and headed home after that.
i was soo exhausted that night but still insisted on going to kak marina's party coz dayana'll be i got dress and stuff and didnt regret that i went coz tuanku zara was there!!i was way that could be her.but it was!!so yea i just stared and observed everything she did.i mean she's like married to the future king!how cool is that? (i just find the police escorting ur car on the highway cool) yea she's very skinny actually and she's 7 months pregnant.i cant even see her tummy bulging out pun!oh and the birthday cake was delicious!and also,dayana will be bunking in my crib during the school holidays!yeay!!

Sunday 17.02.08
my intention to study or in fact do something productive today was ruined by daddy.long story.Anyway i dropped my phone in the toilet bowl last night.damn pissed.i went out today to get things for tonight's bbq.was soo not looking forward to it coz my friends can hardly make it (it's a school day 2morrow) but it turned out to be damn nice after amir and his friend's presence!we played the mafia game until 1 am!and a few of them still had the i-resist-to-go-home cool =)
Monday 18.02.08
went to the club and had lunch with mom and tania.chit-chat and gossip session!lol.then we sent tania off to the airport that night.*sobs*...NOT.
Friday 15.02.08
valentine day was yesterday,sadly i didnt get anything.i got something but it was from myself with a msg written "i love myself" on it.i know,that's so lame.anyway rezza inivited us over tonight to play monopoly at his house.instead of sofy tania n i driving to his crib we invited him to come was fun.pak non and cousin omar came uninvited and joined our board game session.we played LIFE and i think i've got instant 6 packs due to hysterical rezza.
a prune description of rezza=38 year old bachelor who thinks he's still young to get married.He's a bit childish and i love his accent.Has a lame pick up line.someone who wears a superman top to work.oh and mom says she'll be glad to take him as her menantu coz his mentality is almost like "sex is not everything".
Saturday 16.02.08
Blah was a day where my schedule was redundant.i went with the flow and learnt to understand the meaning of "present" not future,later or soon.ok before i start i'd like to mention that i was out for 3 times today!so yea breakfast was at raju's with aunty Fats (fatimah) family.they're always fun to hang around with.especially ozzy,the worlds funniest guy ever.oh yea and i asked nini how much jo flizzow would charge if i were to call him over to perform..apparently he demands 3K.i was like wth.for a KL-KL song?lol.but since nini (jo's gf) is sooo nice and sweet..she'll give me discounts!hehe.
then we got back home and i was in a semangat mood to study until jazzymun invited sofia to have lunch with him.i thought sofia was day dreaming again.(coz seriously,jazeman sounds like her imaginary friend when she tells her story)but no the "dream" turned into reality when jazzy ass fetched me,as a big sister pun sibuk2 go and accompany her little sister in case something happens lar kan.hehe.we were at damansara perdana at first coz he teringin japanese but the restaurant was closed so we went to the curve and had sake sushi!JAPANESE MANN...ENAK SUNGGUH!!lol.then after that we went to send sofia for her tuition and jazz and i went to the fish spa!we wanted to check out that was sooo nice!!according to ass jazz we just dip in our feet and extra clothes are not required.but my ass la!luckily they supplied the kimono robe for us and was awesome!but the fishes werent as many as the one i tried in melacca.heck yeah i wanna go there again!!so yea we fetched sofy and headed home after that.

my intention to study or in fact do something productive today was ruined by daddy.long story.Anyway i dropped my phone in the toilet bowl last night.damn pissed.i went out today to get things for tonight's bbq.was soo not looking forward to it coz my friends can hardly make it (it's a school day 2morrow) but it turned out to be damn nice after amir and his friend's presence!we played the mafia game until 1 am!and a few of them still had the i-resist-to-go-home cool =)
Monday 18.02.08
went to the club and had lunch with mom and tania.chit-chat and gossip session!lol.then we sent tania off to the airport that night.*sobs*...NOT.
nightmare:Zulaikha's legs were sooo skinny and part of her head was bald.i asked her whats wrong and she said she has cancer and it was at stage 3 already.i cried and hugged her.she told me
to watch what i eat (apparently she was down with it coz of junk food).so i went back home and
told mom that i wanted to eat salad only from now
Things to do after SPM:
to watch what i eat (apparently she was down with it coz of junk food).so i went back home and
told mom that i wanted to eat salad only from now
Things to do after SPM:
-join A Cut Above academy
-become a radio/tv vj
-work at T.G.I. Fridays
-organise parties for people
-teach piano
-try commercials
Phuket trip: 06.02.08-10.02.08
i enjoyed the trip except for the 22-hour-journey on the bus and the fact that it was with daddy's alim relatives.anyway Phuket beaches are extremely breathtaking!and not to mention the hot mat salleh guys over there too!*drools*lol.the night we arrived phuket,we headed to the market.I braided my whole hair,did foot reflexology and pedicure all at one go.i definately felt like a princess!haha.then we went snorkelling the next day!and the boat ride to go to the island caused so much pained in the ass!it was a speed boat and the adrenalin rush was higher that the shotover jet i tried in new zealand! was a bumpy ride and that was the most interesting part! yea.we arrived pipi island and blablablabla.we went to watch FANTASEA that night.they say it's like the best tourist attraction.but heck no it wasnt.i mean the settings of the hall was like a real life rain forest.but the performance was an "elephant show".
that's me,underwater...

Day 3:Headed to the market early in the morning with mom and dad to search for my marilyn monroe and audrey hepburn painting.i bought a marilyn monroe one for my room!it's black and white and i LLLOOOVVEEEE it!the bus left for hat yai in the was another 9 hours journey.hat yai is soo dirty and is fill with soo many drag queens!
-work at T.G.I. Fridays
-organise parties for people
-teach piano
-try commercials
Phuket trip: 06.02.08-10.02.08
i enjoyed the trip except for the 22-hour-journey on the bus and the fact that it was with daddy's alim relatives.anyway Phuket beaches are extremely breathtaking!and not to mention the hot mat salleh guys over there too!*drools*lol.the night we arrived phuket,we headed to the market.I braided my whole hair,did foot reflexology and pedicure all at one go.i definately felt like a princess!haha.then we went snorkelling the next day!and the boat ride to go to the island caused so much pained in the ass!it was a speed boat and the adrenalin rush was higher that the shotover jet i tried in new zealand! was a bumpy ride and that was the most interesting part! yea.we arrived pipi island and blablablabla.we went to watch FANTASEA that night.they say it's like the best tourist attraction.but heck no it wasnt.i mean the settings of the hall was like a real life rain forest.but the performance was an "elephant show".
that's me,underwater...