I went out to watch Twilight with my old friends from school today.The movie was great but the book is even better (as usual).Edward Cullen was so sweet that he almost made me cry!sigh..America really produces awesome movies..sonia's favourites (i just feel like sharing it with you guys!hehe)=Dark knight,Wanted,300,The gladiator,Spiderman,Twiight,etc etc..
After that we all went to Chilli's to celebrate Razlan's birthday!lol.Happy Birthday Lan!N Gosh,I cant wait for school to reopen!SPM year =s..HA-HA so not funny.Oh oh and baby alia is coming over for a swim tomorrow!!WOHOOO.Ok i'm so tired..will update tomorrow or next week or next month or wtv.BYE.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
P/s: Bear in mind that you're dealing with a 16 year old =)
Anyways,tonight's prom was funtastic!Razlan's band seriously did an amazing job!*thumbs up*

Aite i'm off to bed.Will update soon =)
Anyways,tonight's prom was funtastic!Razlan's band seriously did an amazing job!*thumbs up*

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
To Abby (i doubt its your real name though):
First of all,I'm quite sure that you've posted a few other comments (with different names) lol.Anyways,I am not a smart ass girl.I just reckon that the government should do all those things so that i myself will have an urge to "push myself" cause seriously,i've been taking life too lightly (education wise).The bumiputra rights which acts as a safety net to all of us malays makes me think that it's alright to be a mediocre.I just assumed that if the government are hard on us malays too then perharps i would be more motivated to do better =) P/s:my ambition is to be a politician (or an architect.hehe) =)
To .....:
The person who gave me the sense of realisation about the weakness we malays have is my mom.I did have an argument with her and i mentioned exactly what you said there.That all this while,the top scorers for SPM have been malays.My mom's respond was..it's most probably because their results were just good enough to get an"A1" in the spm level.Example a malay student could have most probably scored 50% for addmaths and still get an A1 for it (SPM level) where as some chinese most probably scored 90% for it.I bet you know how the marking scheme is like in SPM right.Oh and maybe your "real world" could be different than mine.But i'm basically referring to MY "real world" and it doesnt look good at all =)
First of all,I'm quite sure that you've posted a few other comments (with different names) lol.Anyways,I am not a smart ass girl.I just reckon that the government should do all those things so that i myself will have an urge to "push myself" cause seriously,i've been taking life too lightly (education wise).The bumiputra rights which acts as a safety net to all of us malays makes me think that it's alright to be a mediocre.I just assumed that if the government are hard on us malays too then perharps i would be more motivated to do better =) P/s:my ambition is to be a politician (or an architect.hehe) =)
To .....:
The person who gave me the sense of realisation about the weakness we malays have is my mom.I did have an argument with her and i mentioned exactly what you said there.That all this while,the top scorers for SPM have been malays.My mom's respond was..it's most probably because their results were just good enough to get an"A1" in the spm level.Example a malay student could have most probably scored 50% for addmaths and still get an A1 for it (SPM level) where as some chinese most probably scored 90% for it.I bet you know how the marking scheme is like in SPM right.Oh and maybe your "real world" could be different than mine.But i'm basically referring to MY "real world" and it doesnt look good at all =)
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Thanks for the critics folks..I'm glad that my chatbox is finally filled with comments.Now i know that i actually have viewers ;) Though my younger sister said that chances are there might be only 1 person who's posting the comments.heh.
Anyways,back to the whole argument,I may have exagerrated on the 95% but theres no doubt that I've got my points at fault.I spent 4 years of highschool in a government school.So imagine guys,out of 100++ prefects that we have in the morning session,less than 10 are malays.As far as i could remember,it was me,Aziemah,Annie and Naif.Ok so that makes it the 4 of us malays.And for 7 consequtive years,our school's head prefect has been a chinese.So my question is,where are the malays at times like this??
One more thing, it is VERY OBVIOUS indeed that "he" did it!It's all the reverse psychology technique that is being used in our corrupted government right now.pfft.
Back to my life =) I'll start from what happened last week.hehe..
Last Friday was Jazeman's 16th birthday party at Bijou,Mont Kiara.It was a very nice location and the whole deco was fantastic. (sofy wanted to celebrate her party there this year but it costs a BOMB) so yea.Dayang and I arrived "fashionably late" for the party as we had our production on the same day.haha.*so that explains the super THICK make-up i had on me for the party* haha.Was a bit dissapointed that Lewis Hamilton or Alonso wasnt at the party.hehe.
Then on Saturday Omar came over to the house in the morning and then I had lunch with dayang,vikram and shaz at Bangsar Village.It was one of those production days again.Julie and I slept over at Danisha's house that night after the production.It was fun.haha.I love her housing area!Beverly heights NOT hills.lol.The area is so savvy that they have a shuttle bus which can take you to Pavillion.lol.We spent the whole night cooking pizza until 2 am.haha.oh oh and I really love Danisha's half-malay-half-british step sibblings!They are so cute!!Now i feel like marrying a mat salleh.hehe.

Sunday was our last show ever!!It was a very emotional day for all of us!I'm gonna miss the different hairstyles that I get for the show and the whole crew!!=(
I spent the next day with Julie,looking for prom dresses at Bangsar.Unfortunately,we didnt find any but I was planning to recycle my dresses anyway.I did get myself a masquerade mask though.Oh oh and we saw Datin Freida and his son at BV!lol.quite random.Anyways i was a bit sad because i was supposed to attend a dance workshop today-wednesday.Plus,Datin is going to sponsor the production crews!(otherwise we'd have to pay 500 bucks).The trainer is from America and it looked awesome but mom says i joined too many activities=(

That night,Syeikh Yusof Estes came to Bukit Jelutong for an open dialogue about islam.Mom,sofy and I went since it was just going to be held opposite our house.Now this guy was born a christian in America.He was a priest and converted to Islam about 10 years ago (that really attracted my attention).The most wonderful thing that happened last night was that he actually converted a 26 year old chinese boy to islam!The whole hall was silent when that took place.I was mesmerized to witness something like that happening in front of my eyes..

From syeikh yusuf estes:
To be honest, I was a "dedicated Christian" and a good 'ole boy from Texas. I hated anything and everything about those "Mozlems", just like you are supposed to, here in the West.We were told, "They don't believe in God,they worship a black box in the desert,they kiss the ground 5 times a day,they are hijackers!Kidnappers!Terroists!Hijackers!If you are an American Christian you have to hate them!All of them!So I did!
To be honest, I was a "dedicated Christian" and a good 'ole boy from Texas. I hated anything and everything about those "Mozlems", just like you are supposed to, here in the West.We were told, "They don't believe in God,they worship a black box in the desert,they kiss the ground 5 times a day,they are hijackers!Kidnappers!Terroists!Hijackers!If you are an American Christian you have to hate them!All of them!So I did!
One day, I met a real Muslim and I wanted to 'convert' him to Christianity but it turned out to be the opposite way.I soon learned there is a lot more to Islam than I knew. The more that I learned about REAL ISLAM, the more I was surprised at the similarities.
Lol.I like him..he was cool and funny..Alright so that's about it people!P/s:I so cant wait to watch Twilight!!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I think that we should make it possible for anyone to lead a country regardless of their skin colour/race.Especially in a multi-racial country like Malaysia.We should start practicing something which is similar to the United States where anyone can be the President (well it's Prime Minister in Malaysia).We should accept the fact that Malays,Chinese and Indians can be leaders.Maybe with this kind of rules,there will be an urge to compete among us.Perharps we can now get rid of the comfort zone the malays have been surrounded with all this while.Though life will be much tougher for us malays,but we cant just rely on bumiputra rights forever.The Malays will have to work harder now.Thus,a higher competition would be the solution.
Take the negros in America as an example (especially in the movie "The Great Debaters") being a minority in country does not affect them mentally.The uglier the treatment that they get,the more they hunger for a better success than the whites.Maybe this applies to the chinese mindset in Malaysia?Maybe that is the reason why the chinese are better academically here.Equality should be given to them too now that they've proved themselves and played their parts well.
Seriously,we should be more open-minded now and leave the insecure-ness that has been planted within ourselves.Perharps that explains why the Americans are so bloody good.No joke about that,I mean from watching their tv shows and so forth,its like EVERYTHING is possible in America!Come on,if the Americans can do it then we can do it too.America is a huge country so just imagine how Obama did it and how tough it is to manage the citizens.
Ok sorry about today's post.I just have to bring this issue up after reading the newspaper about teenagers and their lepaking craze.And it surprises me when 95% of the teenagers who commits themselves to all this "lepak" are Malays.
Ok this picture was stolen from the net but i shall capture the pictures myself one of these days.But seriously,what is on their mind??
Take the negros in America as an example (especially in the movie "The Great Debaters") being a minority in country does not affect them mentally.The uglier the treatment that they get,the more they hunger for a better success than the whites.Maybe this applies to the chinese mindset in Malaysia?Maybe that is the reason why the chinese are better academically here.Equality should be given to them too now that they've proved themselves and played their parts well.
Seriously,we should be more open-minded now and leave the insecure-ness that has been planted within ourselves.Perharps that explains why the Americans are so bloody good.No joke about that,I mean from watching their tv shows and so forth,its like EVERYTHING is possible in America!Come on,if the Americans can do it then we can do it too.America is a huge country so just imagine how Obama did it and how tough it is to manage the citizens.
Ok sorry about today's post.I just have to bring this issue up after reading the newspaper about teenagers and their lepaking craze.And it surprises me when 95% of the teenagers who commits themselves to all this "lepak" are Malays.

Sunday, November 16, 2008
Puerto rico!

Anyway we had our first MAJOR public performance that day and the school hired 40 professional hair and make-up artist from A-Cut Above (NOT.They were from Snips) to do our hair and make up.lol.It was damn cool and fun.

oh and my cute little baby niece ruined my macbook in this video.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I LOVE wondermilkcupcakes bigappledonuts johnkingduriantart anddunkindonutschocolatepudding.NYUM. The nasi ayam looked very tempting today but i have to restrain myself from consuming rice and chocolates..Gosh i eat soo much!Ha-ha not funny.Ok basically we had our first public show today..It went well despite the lack of audience.
Dayang and I.
Then mom threw a bbq for the neighbours at night..we did more crappy videos and vandalised my room!haha.ok so that's about it.I have been very busy lately with all the practices that i barely have time to just sit still and think about my life and future.sigh.After watching 'sex and the city' (with mom),i thought that it would be really awesome if i could lead a life like theirs.*more sigh*Someone take me to New York please.
Events to look forward to:
-Jazeman's birthday party
-CIS prom night
-Pak Cak's Ferrari Club bfast
Dayang and I.

-Jazeman's birthday party
-CIS prom night
-Pak Cak's Ferrari Club bfast
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Barack Obama's victory has created history.Its just like in the movies where the blacks end up being heroes.But screw it,its just the colour of their skin.I am very motivated indeed to create a history of my own now.haha.Sonia as the first FEMALE prime minister of malaysia.how awesome is that.Ok this is so lame.I am too intimidated to blog about Obama's success right now.
"Martin's dream came true earlier than anyone has ever imagined."
Dont you just agree with me that we tend to go through almost the same routine each day.Well at least i do during the weekdays and it bores me.Sleep,eat,school.Seriously,what do we live for?Though my answer to that question used to be food.haha.My mind kept on wondering what's the purpose of going through all the hassle in our daily lives.Why cant life be more simple.More towards living for our own good and not others.Then the lamest imagination such as building a house of our own and mining our own farm which will benefit us ONLY would trigger my mind.haha.This new generation keeps on demanding for more just to satisfy our needs.More and more till this planet is barely capable to withstand it.
From my point of view,it looks like the earth is starting to crumble and Its time for all of us to really2 take action.Even if you offer yourself a minor role in helping could change things.What i usually do is avoid using plastic bags.ps:that is how MINOR my role is.haha.
Nevertheless,the global economic growth is very steep nowadays.I look around the congested roads and am surprised to see the large amount of human beings living on this planet!dont you agree with me?I see flyovers which have no less than 2 storeys are being built everywhere.Some even went up to like what,10 storeys high!?especially the new ones being built near sunway.It gives me the creeps when i see it.Come to think of it,I dont think we require that many flyovers.Especially when the price of petrol is soaring these days.I doubt automibles will be used in 10 years time.So what the goverment should really do is invest more in public transportation not flyovers.sigh.Oh and another thing,due to the high cost of living i reckon that the 21st century mortals are better of giving birth to 1 child only.With the reduction of homo sapiens,it will be more convenient for us to manage the country.
Okay back to my life!Things have been AWESOME.I love my neighbourhood.We had a get-together session last week for halloween!We went around tricker-treating!It was so fun but i'm so lazy to elaborate the whole story right now.hehe.Then there's the Box Office Production practices..blablabalbalablabla.Ok i have to start being serious by december!! and dont bother asking me out to "hang out" next year people.Sonia will have to turn down all request..OMG.It's already end of the year!!!SO FAST!!in fact,this is TOO FAST.17 sounds "old" and the thought of my future is so scary.so yea that's it for now!tata.
Religious views for today:
Noone knows when it's time for them to die so we say that only god knows when death is for us.But if there is a serial killer who tells a person "you die tomorrow",does that make him god?
"Martin's dream came true earlier than anyone has ever imagined."
Dont you just agree with me that we tend to go through almost the same routine each day.Well at least i do during the weekdays and it bores me.Sleep,eat,school.Seriously,what do we live for?Though my answer to that question used to be food.haha.My mind kept on wondering what's the purpose of going through all the hassle in our daily lives.Why cant life be more simple.More towards living for our own good and not others.Then the lamest imagination such as building a house of our own and mining our own farm which will benefit us ONLY would trigger my mind.haha.This new generation keeps on demanding for more just to satisfy our needs.More and more till this planet is barely capable to withstand it.
From my point of view,it looks like the earth is starting to crumble and Its time for all of us to really2 take action.Even if you offer yourself a minor role in helping could change things.What i usually do is avoid using plastic bags.ps:that is how MINOR my role is.haha.
Nevertheless,the global economic growth is very steep nowadays.I look around the congested roads and am surprised to see the large amount of human beings living on this planet!dont you agree with me?I see flyovers which have no less than 2 storeys are being built everywhere.Some even went up to like what,10 storeys high!?especially the new ones being built near sunway.It gives me the creeps when i see it.Come to think of it,I dont think we require that many flyovers.Especially when the price of petrol is soaring these days.I doubt automibles will be used in 10 years time.So what the goverment should really do is invest more in public transportation not flyovers.sigh.Oh and another thing,due to the high cost of living i reckon that the 21st century mortals are better of giving birth to 1 child only.With the reduction of homo sapiens,it will be more convenient for us to manage the country.
Okay back to my life!Things have been AWESOME.I love my neighbourhood.We had a get-together session last week for halloween!We went around tricker-treating!It was so fun but i'm so lazy to elaborate the whole story right now.hehe.Then there's the Box Office Production practices..blablabalbalablabla.Ok i have to start being serious by december!! and dont bother asking me out to "hang out" next year people.Sonia will have to turn down all request..OMG.It's already end of the year!!!SO FAST!!in fact,this is TOO FAST.17 sounds "old" and the thought of my future is so scary.so yea that's it for now!tata.

Noone knows when it's time for them to die so we say that only god knows when death is for us.But if there is a serial killer who tells a person "you die tomorrow",does that make him god?