i think our culture has sorta like fade away..i dont really know about culture..but our beautiful green land has now turned into a wanna be new york..seriously..the goverments should plan properly first before destroying our natural beauty of this country called malaysia..which is our looks feel..there's nothing on this earth..what happened to the trees?..there's no more shades..and landslides keep on occuring..and bloody shit..they planned to have universal studio in johor?..just leave this to the americans please..where it ORIGINALLY came unique n come up with ur own idea la..i dont think having universal studios in johor would attract more tourist..and build another penang bridge because we have extra money!?..i would rather spend the money to plant more huge shady trees..n wut the shit?..pak lah knows mahathir is right! build a new bridge from johor to singapore..for the ports..i agree with mahathir's thinking..i think mahathir was a better prime minister..after pak lah..the prices of everything has gone up..petrols n electicity..haih...soo back to where we were..i barely see any forest n clean rivers u?..the goverment only plans to CHOP CHOP CHOP n BUILD BUILD BUILD!!when i think we should be maintaining our natural forest..because then..we would be no different from other countries..we have tall buildings..they have too..soo..too all the lumberjacks out there..try coming up with something new please..besides chopping off the trees n scaring all the urang utans..y not build a mall in a forest!..where shops are located on top of a tree house..or in's like..u dont have to go to the's 2 in 1!..yea..that's something very unique n landslide..n more living things!..fresh air..n reduces the temperature of this HOT country too! need more trees!!
I think we should start helping others who's suffering..i believe that one day..the entire would be a better place..i dont care how long it takes..but we must have a start by just giving these people a hand..just a smile on their faces will do...we have to help them..there's people out there..with no education,who doesnt even have clean water to drink!..fighting againts aids..poor n have you been paying attention to the people around you lately?!.. dont just think there's only you in this world..that's a very selfish's such a big world..filled with different types of culture n there's no use if i'm the only one talking here..n some of them who actually speak n doesnt turn their words into action... i guess there's no use of me talking about this..what can i do to help them at this age..?..but let's just talk.. about famine...shall we?..famine strikes african countries the hardest..n it's still not over yet..i bet everyone knows that it's one of the poorest doesnt just strike happens in china..india,vietnam n so yea...look at how skinny this dude is?..when my mom first showed me these pictures..i thought it was bullshit..i asked could humans be as skinny as this?!..but after doing some research..i guess it's true..n it's really happening..
doesnt these pictures makes you feel sorry for them?...doesnt it make you thank god for what u have?..dont you feel lucky? close your eyes..and imagine if you're one of them..just lazing around..n wait..coz cant'll be dying soon..because noone is there to u see...HELP is what they need from us..A.S.A.P PEOPLE!!..okay...we should be happy for what we are now..thank god for our country..dont you dare say that your life F***ing sux ..if urs bout theirs?dont you terrible life is to them?'s like..they have no f***ing life!..why are the africans soo stubborn?..they dont want help..when abviously this is urgent..i pity these people for god's sake!..we shouldnt let anyone starve as bad as this..sometimes we dont even finish our food..billions of people die due to 1845 it occured because bloody english people could afford to pay higher price.. so the food was beeing shipped from ireland to england..this is shit..all this for money!? africa...some of them were even eating their children..when we get a taste of mcdonalds...even when food was delievered to their country..the people were already was soo bad because of the drought which destroyed the crops n reduced the food produced..well there's nothing much for me to say about this topic..just to let you guys know..that there's people who's in danger n needs help out sollution to STOP this from happening people...? lets just pray for them..=)
PLACES TO VISIT!!here's a few of the "things to do" before i reach a certain age n before marriage stops me from freedom!!.. which is having kids.. grandchildren n so b4 sonia turns 25 i guess..they say enjoy while you're still young! these are the things that i'm looking forward to do/visit..right..number 4 years time.. a trip to south africa where the fifa world cup is going to be held with my closest bestfriends in the future.. hopefully..zuly is one of them...coz she's like my childhood friend..just the 3 of us maybe...n a few road maps with us! isnt it? to other countries by car (not just ME ALONE..)..ok only sumone who's soo dumb enough would plan to drive all the way from Malaysia to the American continent?! countries like..china..europe..n camp outside..this is more like an adventure!'s going to cost quite a lot though..but it's gonna be awesome!...3rd is to visit poor countried n help the poor ppl there..n to actually capture my own picture of them instead of getting them from the 2 go to New York!!...this is a MUST!..last but not set my own record..that i've finally visited the 7 wonders of the world or maybe other wonders of the world!..woohooo!..there's more to come....=D
rasicm...what's up with that?!..i cant stand it..from my point of view..i think people are soo selfish these days..especially malaysians..i dont know about others but we're soo rude..especially when u'r from a different race..they look down on you...they'll just seperate from other race..because they think they're soo it because we're dumb? it because of our religion?..what's up man?!..what happened to your manners?!..what happened to thank you and please?..what happened to friendliness? come other countries have very light mouth n actually ask "how are you?" to anyone they meet..this is getting really serious..because i dont see any multi-racial among my school n stuff..well at least 5% of them are multi-racial..but hell man...i just dont get it...malays just hate chinese...whatever that involves a chinese dude they'll just BOOO at the person...why?! it because..they're good in everything...?..and chinese too..give the malays a chance too club in smsu..there's only 1 malay in the b.o.ds n the rest of it are chinese n indians..because of this..the malays in school had to put up their own club..called "setia" (which is soo jinjang to me) so that they would have a chance to lead..but it made things worst..the whole club were u see..there's no competition when this happen..if malays n chinese are the same club..involve in the same things..the malays would actually work harder n fight to beat the get a title in the club..especially the ambitious n spirited ones..we should all have TEAM WORK..different race mix with speak their language..n to be caring for each other...for example..i tried to call this kakak to help me...but the kakak couldnt hear me n there was this chinese lady..she just stood there n did nothing...i was like..what the hell are u staring at?!?..(i didnt actually say that)..i mean..couldnt she help me by calling the kakak?!..coz the kakak was just freaking next to her..omg..yucks man..annoys me..n when i enter sum shops..chinese would just ignore malays..they'll give some kind of look at yourself..when they get paid to help us..n if you're not rich or you dont look wont be getting any of their wtv man....pisses me off...SO STOP RACISM!!!!...
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." Martin Luther King
how stupid could they get?!
Ever heard of the collumbine high school massacre?..well if u havent..let me summarize it for took place in the united states in 1999 before 9/ involved two teenagers by the name of Haris and Dylan..who actually brought guns to their school and shot 12 students and a could this happen to young kids?..dont they have any moral values in them?..i can imagine..being that kind of situation..hiding under tables..n praying that hopefully u wont die..n some of them..had to see their friends being shot right in the middle of their faces..just like that..breathing with fear..the reason why i'm bringing this topic up is because I disagree with the americans goverment and politicians who actually allow their citizen to own a's soo convenient that u can even get it in stores..without a permit to own it..and get bullets from a barber shop?!..u can even have a home made bomb..because they have books in library which teaches you to invent bombs!have they gone insance?!..F*** to the person who said guns doesnt kill,people do!'s is..noone...NOONE in this world should own a gun..because a gun..DOES NOT protect doesnt..if there's a killer in your hse..n you have a gun and he does too..does it make anyone better n safer?..coz one of you WILL die..because a kills u..instantly...very fast,smooth and easy..just by one shot...whereas if NOONE owns a gun..chances of you being killed would be 15%? it doesnt make things better!..i can tell that the situation in the states right so chaotic..the reality is like a nightmare to's not bloody isnt..because when u have a gun..n u've gone soo emotionally disturb..u would do anything..nothing matters anymore..u would go shooting around..taking other people's doesnt mean anything to them anymore..dont they have any religion!?..doesnt anyone teach them?!..what life is all about?...war is NOT the seriously isnt..u take thousands of ppl's lives..because it's just a number to you then..the number of cases where ppl were killed due to gunshots in germany is canda..138..n in the's 11379 a year!!..can you imagine?..switching on the tv n there you'll see..another crime..and you'll just get use to happens..everyday..i have the answers to's because everyone owns a gun! doesnt make a country safer!! f***ing takes more lives!'s not safe anymore..evern when the number of crimes has reduced..the citizens were still in great doesnt make any anything..there was a case..where a 6 year old boy stole a gun from his uncle's hse n brought it to school to show off..and ended up shooting his friend..can you imagine that?!..what the boy was doing..having a gun in his hand...n had no feelings!...even after killing his friend!..he could still colour in the principle's office while waiting for the police to come..look how stupid it is!?'s because he's a bloody kid!..who doesnt know anything!..if his uncle wouldnt have owned a gun then maybe this wont took an innocent girls life..after the columbine wasnt go school..because..everyone was afraid!..they even needed a metal detector to enter the school..and no beggy pants,tuck in shirts...i think what they need uniforms..this is really stoopid isnt it?..a ten year old boy was suspended from school because he brought a nail clipper to school..and was believed to be a what the shit!?..another boy too..who did a gun shape origami using a paper..pointed to the friend and said.."i'm going to kill you with this"..this is pathetic isnt it?! it the video games that causes this odd thing to happen? it violent movies?..i dont get it..y kill?..y take other innocent people's life?..what do u want?world peace is what the whole world wants..i dont know what to's just wrong.....very wrong.. here's a few cases..involving very young kids..-6 year old Dedrick Owens, acquired the gun, a .32 semi-automatic pistol, from his uncle's house. On the day of the shooting, he pulled the gun from his pants and pointed it at Kayla and yelled, "I don't like you!" she then replied.."so what?" and fatally shooting her in the neck. She died soon after being shot, despite the teacher's attempts to call emergency services.-14-year old Michael Hernandez stabbed and slit the throat of 14-year-old classmate, Jaime Rodrigo Gough, while in a restroom at Southwood Middle School. Hernandez was tried as an adult, and sentenced to life in prison without parole. A search of his home revealed he had concocted plans to murder several classmates and even his younger sister. His journal revealed he was obsessed with perfection, and admired Hitler and the Nazis.-14-year old Michael Hernandez stabbed and slit the throat of 14-year-old classmate, Jaime Rodrigo Gough, while in a restroom at Southwood Middle School.
-14-year-old James Sheets fatally shot his school principal in the cafeteria of his middle school before committing suicide
-13-year-old Nathaniel Brazill shot his English teacher, 35-year-old Barry Grunow, in the face on the last day of school .
-16 year old Luke Woodham stabbed and beat his mother to death, then took a lever-action rifle to Pearl High School where he shot into a crowd of students, killing his ex-girlfriend Christina Menefee and her friend Lydia Kay Dew and wounded seven other students. Woodham later claimed that he did not remember killing his mother.
-12-year-old David Dubose killed a teacher in the hallway of his school with a pistol.