HI!! my name is sonia =)
Sorry for the delay guys.I realised that holding back my fans will result to an uncaptivating blog to perceive in the future.lol.*ok i shall stop bragging now..*Anyway,scroll down and take a look at my edited blog!ngee =D
I cant believe i just packed my bags and boarded a plane a few hours ago.Phew.It is such a last minute planned trip for mom,sofia and I and i mean last minute as in mom informed us like 2 days before we left.Apparently I went with the flow and i am currently regretting my stupid move when mom asked me whether do i want to tag along.I mean kak hana just gave birth to her 2nd baby today and i am extremely curious to see how the baby looks like and what her name is.2ndly,i've paid $22 for prefect's council dinner which i am suppose to attend tomorrow and 3rdly,i havent settle a few things regarding my new school.Pfft.
But overall,things are great in Australia.The stuff sold here are soo pretty.But my main intention is NOT shopping,because my mom wanted me to come to makesure I gain exposure.(but it doesnt mean that i'm going to restrain myself from it 100%)She's trying to groom all her kids to be more cultured and yes I've learnt a lot.I've learnt a different language (italian),how to cook,the names of veggies like jalapenos (the GIANT chillies),fennel,capers etc..and i've also learnt about CHEESE.It's actually interesting to find out that cheese actually falls into lots and lots of catagories.ok i already knew about that actually.*shut up and get to the point sonia*.haha.so yea,the first day of arrival was pretty much okay =) went for a walk and had indian cuisine for dinner..well guys one thing for sure is that i'm really looking forward to tomorrow's horse riding!
Day 2
Without a question,mom woke us up early and I baked delicious tiramisu pudding for today's picnic.It was more like 2 thumbs up for my marvelous tee-rah-mi-sooo.Headed to the art shop down the road to get some watercolours too so that i could keep up with my hobby in adelaide.And gossh i just love the house here it is so convenient!You have everything here from a supermarket,to boutiques and bookstores and it's just walking distance from the house!Certainly the best property pak cak has ever purchased.Anyway,we went to Mount Lofti to go for horse riding and had picnic at botanic garden..
my tiramisu!!
The horse riding trail was awesome but the scenery still cant beat new zealand's breathtaking view!The owner of the farm,la'salle organises a 2 day camp during autralia school holidays too and i'll makesure that i'm here for the camp!From left:sofy,me with my black horsey,and tania.
Oh yeah which reminds me,i have to blog about my cousin's sleepover at my house!lol.Dayana came down from melacca on the 26th of May and she brought like a massive amount of luggage bags.*jeez you're only sleeping over for 3 days girl!*.haha.so the day she arrived,i brought her to klcc.Our foremost purpose was to spend time at petroscience but unfortunately it's close on mondays so yea we decided to go to aquaria!But according to dayana she's been there like a thousand times so nvm.we rambled around klcc in the end.
Sunway lagoon was on my list of things to do the next day.Met up with ezzer and had japanese (OMG I LOVE IT SO MUCH) for lunch.Scream park was not really worth it.We even went to the wet park.For some weird reason,all i could think about was saliva when i walked bare foot on the wet tiles.I was seriously disgusted.I didnt even enter the pool or wtsoever cause i was starting to imagine people peeing in it.Yucks.Wonder how i'm going to survive at 17 summer splash.okay maybe i shouldnt even go to that oh-so-crowded beach party.Oh ya!but the highlight of the trip was the AJHACKETT bungy ride!It was extremely awesome!!!I will upload the vids for you guys aite.
see that ball thing??that's what dayana and i rode on! 
The last day of dayana's sleepover was spent at Mandarin oriental kl.We had lunch there with kak hana and other relatives.The only thing that we were looking forward to was the durian pancake..sigh..the pancake was...omg..*speechless* I LOVE IT I LOVE IT!anyone who hates durian will like it after they try it!!SHIT.I'm craving for it now..grrr.*updated*
DAY 3It's a Saturday and we went to watch Abu play in a soccer tournament.Dad arrived earlier this morning and shit now i cant remember what i did.ok see this is what happens when you blog 3 days later.grrr.but yea we went to have coffee with aunty anita and marsya @ night..more laughter!*pictures of white hunks playing football will be uploaded very soon.(this excludes you,cousin.hehe)TQ for your patience,ladies.Day 4
Woke up veraciously early today to go to the market..Eventually it turned out to be quite interesting.They had a cupcake stall and the cupcakes were soooo pretty and nyummy!!(no offence wondermilk but these cupcakes taste better than yours.*opps*)It's $4 per cupcake (that's equivalent to RM12) so yea..Came back and went out to the city with amy,abu and sofia.Didnt get myself anything much though.by the time i got home..the guests were about to arrive.Abu's Malaysian friends from Pembroke came over and we played the cranium and mafia game.Adam is extremely hillarious btw.lol.sofy,faris and marsya.
Day 5: Monday ey..we went to botanic garden AGAIN.This time was with dearest daddy.Did a bit of painting and later that evening i went for a jog with mom and at the same time we did some window shopping due to its shop location which is by the road side.Sigh..sooo many pretty stuff which i wish i could have all of 'em.And since its the last day of daddy's stay in adelaide,we went out for supper at Spatz and again,more nyummy food was served.lol.
as you can see,I lost my mood to paint half-way through and mom says that this is a picture of van-gogh gone wrong.lol.

Day 6:Sent daddy off to the airport and and pretty much spent the entire day at the city.SHOPPING SHOPPING SHOPPING with mom and bought lots of pretty stuff that i like!ngeee.Then adam took sofia and i out for a movie!i know,its very rare and nice of adam to baby sit us..lol.
headed to the city AGAIN because apparently it's australia's biggest sale today.
Day 8:
Spent the whole day at home and went out for hot chocolate with adam and everyone else at brumbey's.(basically that was the highlight of the day i guess..)

Day 9:Day 9 was pretty much spent on unproductive things again..and that is an all-time favourite for dumb blondes which is..SHOPPING.lol.Oh ya i also went to my elder sister's university lecture in the afternoon.(i roughly have a picture on how uni life is going to be now.hehe) then I got a free makeover too by a napoleon make-up artist.Dinner was at a malaysian restaurant called swinging bowl..(try translating it to malay..After the SUPER WHITE makeover.lol.cousin abu and i.
More paintings at the park!(mom took a picture of this from the belcony of the house)
STAY TUNED!because more pictures will be uploaded soon!I am very sleepy now..updates on how i'm coping with my new school and other events will be post some other day alright..*yawns*