Thursday, July 17, 2008
Saturday, July 12, 2008
I'm Baaaack...!
AT LAST!!Ive been dying to get my hands on the pc!
Here i am,sitting,waiting & enjoying the atmosphere of crowded mortals around me.Beautiful sculptures are being placed high and low and tourists are everywhere!They had a very nice busker playing background music at the square today.
Wednesday 9.07.08

Looking at the empty void.
1 am-Arrived rome..Its like "black people galore" at sheraton.Turns out that they are the olympic runners.
Btw,I'd like to know where the heck did language come from!??! I mean,in italy,due to the flooded amount of foreigners,soo many people tend to communicate in different languages.Which is a bit annoying because i dont understand a single word they are trying to say.Why cant we just stick to english?!screw with tradition..
CNN is the only channel you can watch in italy (because it's in english).lol.Anyway,I prefer Florence than Rome.We went on the sightseeing bus and did a stop at the trevi fountain.It was very crowded and plus the weather is extremely hot today!41 degrees.

Sunday 13.07.08
We went to the colloseum and packed our bags when we got back..Sobs.I'm gonna miss italy and the hot guys..heeehee.
ok for some reason,I lost my mood to blog.HAHA.As if you people read it anyway.Will update later.ciao!
Monday 7.07.08
Tonight's flight is going to take 12 hours.Hopefully i can snooze for about 3/4 of the journey.Its going to be my first time to italy (extremely excited!) I really regret the fact that i didnt have any spare time to do any research on italy =s Ps:I should learn how to travel light nowadays.
Tonight's flight is going to take 12 hours.Hopefully i can snooze for about 3/4 of the journey.Its going to be my first time to italy (extremely excited!) I really regret the fact that i didnt have any spare time to do any research on italy =s Ps:I should learn how to travel light nowadays.
Tuesday 8.07.08
We've just arrived italy and straight away boarded a train to Firenze (florence).Thank god for daddys GPS!Hotel (Là Fortezza) is quite a distant from the city but oh well,walking is always a good exercise!
We've just arrived italy and straight away boarded a train to Firenze (florence).Thank god for daddys GPS!Hotel (Là Fortezza) is quite a distant from the city but oh well,walking is always a good exercise!

OMG.I am sooo tired!We spent the whole day WALKING.Tania,sofia and i visited the academia.Nothing fancy about that place except for michaelangelo's master piece!The nude statue of David!ps:people in rome just roam about on the streets man!massive amount of people today!it's like a human traffic jam!

Finally daddy rented a car!(no more tired and swelling feet from now on).lol.It was an awesome day today as we went to the factory outlet.Now,now,'s not just any typical outlet!It was all the designer items outlets!From gucci to fendi to ferragamo to burberry and loaaaaaaads more.Clearly,NO WOMAN on this earth can resist shopping for designer items which has discounts up to 80% off right..!?So basically..being like any other normal women in this world we went shopping! (including dad;temporary sex change) After that,we headed to the beach.We were pretty much overdress when we got there as most of the italians at the beach were "semi naked".So,what do we do to blend in folks?We got ourselves *coughs* swimsuits!lol.Nah la,actually dad told us to swim in the beach so that we can tell people that we've swam in italy.HA-HA.i know.wth right?Oh btw,dad doesnt allow me to post pictures of us in our *coughs* swimsuit.Sorry bout that.ngee.The tilting tower of Pi Sa was our next destination.We climbed all the way to the top!It was very SCARY & i liked it!(morbid stuff always fascinates me!)
Stopped by for some fruits.

Thursday 10/07/08
Mama and daddy left the three of us in florence to go to we ended up visiting all the historical places in the city of firenze (the only activity they have in Italy *yawns*).I would say that it was a slightly adventurous day for all of us!We went to the Dome (our tour guide was a lil CUCKOO).We climbed all the way to the top of the dome!Imagine climbing an old building!Mostly spiral staircase to get you all the way to the top and uneven floors when you walk.No lifts or safety rope wtsoever.It was super duper scary!!We had to go through 473 steps!When we reach the inner top of the dome,the view of the interior was magnificent!It was huge and the ceiling was 143m high!It was beautiful..Two thumbs up to the architect of the building.In fact,3 thumbs up as it was build in the 13th century.Oh ya!another thing i forgot to mention!They had a sign written "Fuck the americans" when we were queueing outside the dome.So teruk i tell you and the people behind us were americans!They were like "oh well,maybe we shouldnt spend our money here..!" yea,after today's experience,Tania,sofia and i plan to travel as backpackers one day!ngee.
*oh crap.I just screwed my travel diary*
Friday 11.07.08
We went to Incisa again (the factory outlet).The weather today is EXTREMELY HOT.Hot weather,Hot be heading to Rome today.Stopped by the Prada outlet on the way to Rome.

Btw,I'd like to know where the heck did language come from!??! I mean,in italy,due to the flooded amount of foreigners,soo many people tend to communicate in different languages.Which is a bit annoying because i dont understand a single word they are trying to say.Why cant we just stick to english?!screw with tradition..
Saturday 12.07.08
The omg-i-cant-stand-the-hot-weather pissed look.

We went to the colloseum and packed our bags when we got back..Sobs.I'm gonna miss italy and the hot guys..heeehee.

Monday, July 07, 2008
Grrroooovy baby!
*this was recently retyped as i had to leave for italy*
Saturday 12th of July,
My last weekend was simply Funtastic!Everything just evolved around my family and relatives.One of the few highlights was the arrival of my big sister from aussie,pak cak's birthday and prefect's reunion at menara kl.
Pak cak's birthday however was on a saturday.He came over to the house for breakfast with zarym in his brand new was a red soft top and I should have appeared in it for my birthday.grrr.Nvm that.After that we had breakfast around bukit jelutong (our family's weekly morning routine) and went to bang chak's house.Sadly,we did not have breakfast at RAJU's this time =( Played with baby alia and stayed at home after that while sofia,zarym and umar went to pavillion for a shopping spree.I was quite happy that day as i got my proactiv stuff delivered to the house!(i find it cool that they offer delivery service) Then mom and i went to pyramid to have lunch and bought some stuff.Reunion was then held at menara kl.Basically i only paid for the view cause the whole event was very dull..I left the place after an hour of boredom and went to Grand Millenium next to pavillion to attend pak cak's birthday party.It was awesome..=)
Haiqal,tania,me,aunt norma,mom,sofia,pak cak,abu.
Sunday 13th of July
Well,it was another day of celebration.(seriously,a person's birthday will last for AT LEAST 3 days in this of us had lunch at pak cak's house and this time's motive was to cut the cake.It was a huge Lamborghini cake except that it's "bull" image was smudged and to make things worst,i forgot to snap a picture of it! yea.that's about it!
Saturday 12th of July,
My last weekend was simply Funtastic!Everything just evolved around my family and relatives.One of the few highlights was the arrival of my big sister from aussie,pak cak's birthday and prefect's reunion at menara kl.
Pak cak's birthday however was on a saturday.He came over to the house for breakfast with zarym in his brand new was a red soft top and I should have appeared in it for my birthday.grrr.Nvm that.After that we had breakfast around bukit jelutong (our family's weekly morning routine) and went to bang chak's house.Sadly,we did not have breakfast at RAJU's this time =( Played with baby alia and stayed at home after that while sofia,zarym and umar went to pavillion for a shopping spree.I was quite happy that day as i got my proactiv stuff delivered to the house!(i find it cool that they offer delivery service) Then mom and i went to pyramid to have lunch and bought some stuff.Reunion was then held at menara kl.Basically i only paid for the view cause the whole event was very dull..I left the place after an hour of boredom and went to Grand Millenium next to pavillion to attend pak cak's birthday party.It was awesome..=)

Sunday 13th of July
Well,it was another day of celebration.(seriously,a person's birthday will last for AT LEAST 3 days in this of us had lunch at pak cak's house and this time's motive was to cut the cake.It was a huge Lamborghini cake except that it's "bull" image was smudged and to make things worst,i forgot to snap a picture of it! yea.that's about it!
Sharon,fariz,me.sigh..i should have gone through the nomination process and fought for the headgirl post
anugerah cemerlang '08
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
life's beautiful

After i saw the picture of myanmar kids queueing in shabby and torn clothes to grab their food,I instantly felt moved by it and it striked me that i can contribute to their unfortunate lifestyle by educating these kids.Maybe a simple english class will do.Helping them identify things in english,maths and many more that can be useful for them in the future.To make the class more enjoyable,i would reward them with nice presents if they actually do well!(i always liked these teaching methods last miss prasana had to say in bio's class the other day made sense,knowledge can be obtain eternally.In other words,possessions and objects might dissapear and vanish one day but knowledge is indespensible to every human being.So therefore,my next mission before i perish would be a trip to myanmar.
Again,i get pretty much inspired when i read the papers early in the morning.A lot of the contents get me motivated to change the world but i pretty much forget when i plan to write it down.Such as murder cases which i assumed that i could solve instantly,issues on politics and how i get really angry with our hopeless prime minister at times.(i think i have the potential to be a better prime minister).Oh and another thing is that i could not stand is their wives!Their husbands are soo busy serving the country and all their wives care about is to look glamour and bling2 everywhere!Take lee kuan yew's wife for instant,her husband serves singapore as the prime minister and she still does her part to help in the government.Anyway,the article about youths today was featured in today's paper.And i read about how the minister think that we should not come up with bad impression on youths who look "troublesome".In other words,we should encourage them in all these.And what he was referring to was basically about shufflers,breakdancers and many more.Before i cast an eye over this statement given by the minister i pretty much reckon that these type of people are the ones i should stay away from and most of them need a knock on their head.True enough,all they do is put in soo much effort in their dance and they are basically problematic and humiliating to the malays society in malaysia.If they can put a lot of effort in their "shuffling" why cant they do the same in their studies.And that is the reason why i pretty much yearn for a head girl post in school.the main reason is to speak up for the malays.Ok maybe its because it's a government school and i was always surrounded with this sort of malays but when i confront this issue with some people.they say,"useful" malays are usually in boarding schools.true or false?we shall see..
But i do find my method to refine the youths consciousness practical.The first question i would ask is,what do they want in life?If they do not have a clear vision on that then i'll pretty much assist them.Showing them how life up there would be compared to living in a junk.All they need is to believe in theirselves that anyone can do it.
Quotes:The more time you spend thinking about your past,the less time you have to think about your future.(this is the reason why i think history should be ignored and futury should be manipulated)
Eversince the increase of price in petrol,I've come up with a few things to do at home!*especially when you live in an isolated area like bukit jelutong* Hobbies such as painting,playing the piano,swimming,cycling,blogging,reading,cleaning up my room,cooking,baking,studying,computer games (RCT2 & sims are my favourite) and watching movies will be good enough to keep me occupied.I know,some of you might find all those things lifeless,but it is a recreation to me ok!However,staying at home all the time will pretty much bore me to death in the end.ngaha.
Oh and guys!This was what my sister sofia had to say about me in her blog!*awwww..*
Now we have Sonia! Oh god man I'll try to not make it long. She's miss perfectionist and will not take no for and answer! She bosses me around like hell alot and I'm always argueing with her! But there are times when we are really close. We would fight and five minutes later we would be laughing at each others jokes. She has a really great leadership skill and is always trying to be number one! She wants to be the best and has the whole package to most boys! Haha! She's freaking hell dicipline and i've never seen anyone with such a thick schedule book! And actually does everything that is written down. I guess she wants to be the best! But I love her as much as I hate her.